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Don't Hire the Wrong Contractor

In Canada, there are a shocking number of roofing contractors who are unlicensed, uncertified and unqualified to perform the work you need. Never hire a contractor without asking for proof of their credentials. A good roofing contractor will be knowledge and bring manufacturing, engineering and expert workmanship to the table.

  • Show you proof of their certifications, insurance, bonding and other licenses.

  • Demonstrate the right knowledge, experience and expertise to perform the work

  • Ask the right questions to gain a solid understanding of the issue

  • Take a full system approach to find the source of the problem and to verify that the rest of your roof is functioning optimally

  • Price fairly (beware of roofing contractors whose prices seem too good to be true, make sure you evaluate price versus value, and compare apples to apples when it comes time to choose between multiple quotes)



Canada Roofs was formed to create more value for our national clients, by breaking up the status quo in the Canadian Roofing industry. The established players & tendering process is inefficient and expensive. Owners often take the cheapest bid but suffer from the long-term consequences of a cheap job. Rarely is the lowest price a reflection of better value, rather the effect of value engineering. In other words, getting less value for the budget. It is also rare that the same company is consistently the low bidder from year to year, which eliminates consistency and longer-term partnerships. This gives suppliers and contractors no incentive to offer you strategic everyday lower pricing.

Contractors also struggle to get more done with less, so they cut corners or value engineer. Lower prices generally drive down quality and health safety standards in construction. Long term partnerships reduce the risk of non-performance and improve quality and workmanship better than the established procurement methods. You should consider establishing a partnership with the contractor that works for you best.

before, during and after the project has been completed. This is difficult for large national real estate owners to establish partnerships with hundreds of vendors and that's where we can help.

Canada Roofs is the best way to manage your national roofing projects.


Check out the difference with our national contractor management and our unique vendor relations approach. Bringing manufacturers, distributors, consulting engineers and contractors together early to plan, design and manage your projects.


Emergency Service

Rainstorms don't fall in isolation. If you are having leaks due to rain, then so do your neighbours and other businesses in the surrounding communities. If you are relying on one or two contractors to manage your roof leaks, even if they are national players, then you run the risk of not being prioritized due to high volume. We have an extensive network of manufacturer reps, contractors and service technicians to serve you.



Having issues with roof leaks? The first and most important step is to determine the root source of the problem. Whether you have damaged membrane, blisters, cracks, ponding water or generally poorly installed roof system. Canada Roofs has the resources, equipment and expertise to fix the problem quickly. Don’t neglect leaks, a small issue will become worst over time. So get the experts out soon to limit water damage. This is a good asset management strategy for national real estate owners.

Canada Roofs has an extensive network of over 50 local commercial roofers in major markets across Canada. Our national team has experience in the roofing industry working in industrial, commercial, institutional and multi-residential buildings across Canada. We have the knowledge and resources to quickly identify and repair your emergency roof leak


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Why Should Canada Roofs Fix Your Roof Leaks?

  • Canada Roofs has a network of consulting engineers available to conduct formal roof audits and designated substance reports.

  • Our roofers will do a complete roof inspection as part of a roof repair report or a specific inspection/ assessment in an emergency leak situation.

  • Our roof inspections are done by qualified inspectors with many years of hands-on experience.

  • We stock the leading roofing products on our trucks which means we will use the right system for the right roof. We can control the quality of materials and the workmanship.

  • We always provide recommendations. A detailed quote and invoice accompanies your report.

  • For emergency roof repairs, we have emergency service crews/teams that can mobilize within hours.

Good roof leak diagnosis depends on the expertise of your trusted national roofing contractor. Canada Roofs has helped many property owners and real estate ow

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