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Five Tips to Stay on Schedule During a Roofing Project

Installing a roof on a building is a big job with many moving pieces. Effective coordination and communication between the crew needs to happen, but unfortunately schedules can go awry. Here are some ways you can be better prepared for the unexpected and ensure your company’s project runs on time.

  1. Plan around the weather. Use a satellite weather monitoring system to get the forecast in real-time, which will eliminate guesswork and help to avoid costly delays.

  2. Make sure your materials are on site. Some products are easily purchased, but others may need to be specially ordered. If this is the case, you will need more time to make sure everything has been delivered in time to start work.

  3. Designate a foreman/manager. This person will direct and supervise the roofing mechanics, plan the work to be done a few days ahead, make sure the installation is done correctly, and secure materials, equipment, manpower, and subcontractors (if necessary) to keep the project moving. Preferably, this person doesn’t install, but spends his time supervising and coordinating.

  4. Use scheduling software. Every project should have a plan and schedule determined before work begins. It should be broken down into manageable phases with completion targets identified. The schedule should be updated daily and distributed to all parties involved. When parties are fully aware of the timelines, it’s easier to meet deadlines.

  5. Get a dedicated delivery vehicle. To prevent unforeseen shortages, breakdowns, or to replace broken tools, have a vehicle and dedicated driver available to handle the problems. You want the foreman and contractors to be on the roof working and coordinating, not dealing with equipment or material errors.

All of these steps will help ensure that your roof is completed on schedule. And remember: preventing problems takes planning!

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